IBUKU, renowned for pioneering bamboo architecture, introduces a groundbreaking addition to its portfolio with “The Arc” at Green School Bali. Redefining conventional design norms, this structure is not just a piece of architectural brilliance but sets a precedent in lightweight structures globally.
A Symbol of Sustainable Education
Green School Legacy:
Situated within the globally acclaimed Green School in Bali, The Arc is more than a building; it is a symbol of sustainable education. Green School, known for its avant-garde approach, adds another feather to its cap with The Arc, raising the bar for eco-conscious educational spaces worldwide.
Engineering Marvel: Bamboo Arches and Gridshells
Unprecedented Design:
The Arc stands as an engineering marvel, constructed from intersecting 14-meter tall bamboo arches spanning 19 meters. These arches are ingeniously interconnected by anticlastic gridshells, deriving strength from their unique curvature in two opposite directions.
Research and Development:
Months of meticulous research and development were invested in crafting The Arc. Tailor-made details and engineering precision were paramount, resulting in a refined design that not only embodies beauty but also showcases IBUKU’s unwavering commitment to pushing architectural boundaries.
Unveiling the Uncharted Territory
Bravery in Design:
Embarking on a design venture never executed before demanded courage and optimism. The unprecedented concept behind The Arc reflects IBUKU’s creative tenacity. Rowland Sauls, the Project Manager, acknowledges the bravery required to chart new territories in design.
Nature-Inspired Architecture
Ribcage Inspiration:
Inspired by nature’s ingenuity, The Arc mirrors the human ribcage’s structural strategy. In a human ribcage, ribs working in compression are supported by tensioned muscle and skin, creating a thin yet robust enclosure. Similarly, arches in The Arc, working in compression, find support in tensioned anticlastic gridshells, forming a delicate yet robust spatial structure.
Efficiency in Design:
The gridshells use shape stiffness to shape the roof enclosure and offer buckling resistance to the parabolic arches. This symbiotic interplay creates a highly efficient structure capable of flexing under load, redistributing weight to ease localized forces on the arches.
Equilibrium and Structural Efficiency
Counterintuitive Geometry:
The Arc defies conventional geometry, achieving a state of equilibrium that remarkably reduces the need for structural material. This counterintuitive orchestration results in an unprecedented inner volume characterized by an impossibly thin structure, eliminating the need for distracting trusses.
The Arc at Green School Bali emerges as more than an architectural spectacle; it represents a paradigm shift in sustainable education spaces, embodying the spirit of innovation and harmony with nature.