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The “50-50” Decorating Rule: A Clever Decluttering Hack

In the realm of home decor, striking a balance between clutter and coziness can be a daunting task. But my mom introduced me to a brilliant solution that she aptly calls the “50-50” decorating rule, which has proven to be an ingenious decluttering hack.

Less Is More

My mom has always been a proponent of minimalist decor, believing that less clutter leads to more serene living spaces. However, she also understands the sentimental value we attach to certain decorative items, especially those with personal significance.

The “50-50” Approach

The essence of the “50-50” decorating hack lies in its simplicity. First, gather all the decorative items you own. Then, divide them into two categories: items to display and items to store. The rule dictates that only half of your decor should be on display at any given time, while the rest is neatly tucked away in storage.

Keeping Things Fresh

I’ve adopted my mom’s approach in my own home, and it’s been a game-changer. By keeping a box of backup decor items on a closet shelf, I can easily refresh my space whenever it starts to feel stale. The beauty of this method is its flexibility — as my mood or the seasons change, I can effortlessly swap out pieces to suit the vibe I’m going for.

Simple Implementation

Implementing the “50-50” rule doesn’t require fancy storage solutions. A simple container or basket large enough to hold your surplus decor items is all you need. Online retailers like Amazon and Walmart offer a wide range of options to suit various budgets and space constraints. For those living in smaller spaces, underbed storage or compact bins can be discreetly tucked away in unused corners.

Preserving Sentimental Value

Beyond its decluttering benefits, this strategy preserves sentimental items that may not align with your current decor style but hold emotional significance. Rather than parting with them, you can safely store them for future use or sentimental value.

Embracing Versatility

What sets the “50-50” rule apart is its versatility. It bridges the gap between minimalism and maximalism, allowing you to enjoy a curated collection of decor without overwhelming your space. Whether you lean towards sleek modernism or eclectic charm, this approach accommodates diverse tastes and styles.


The “50-50” decorating rule offers a practical and adaptable solution to decluttering and refreshing your living space. By striking a balance between displayed and stored items, you can maintain a clutter-free environment while preserving cherished belongings. With its simplicity and versatility, this ingenious hack allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds in home decor.


Carlos López

Carlos López

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