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Interior Design

Redefining Architecture: Golf House by dagli + atélier d’architecture

Golf House, a project by dagli + atélier d’architecture, represents a unique blend of architectural innovation and functionality. Comprising an architectural studio and five apartments, the project is a testament to the firm’s distinctive design language. The primary goal was to create a space that not only embodies the essence of mountain style but also fosters a shared experience for visitors.

Seamless Integration of Interior and Exterior

The ground floor of the building boasts an open-plan layout designed to maximize natural light. Large windows and glass doors establish a seamless connection between the interior and exterior, promoting a sense of openness and tranquility. This space doubles as a reception area, providing visitors with an immediate glimpse into the firm’s design philosophy.

Striking Facade Design

The building’s facade features a vertical texture complemented by dagli frames, creating a visually captivating exterior. Carefully selected materials enhance the building’s relationship with its surroundings while establishing it as a distinctive architectural landmark. The result is a harmonious blend of boldness and refinement, modernity, and timelessness.

Apartments Reflecting Luxury and Comfort

Each apartment within Golf House is meticulously designed to accommodate a single occupant. Luxurious materials, including gold-colored faucets and wood accents, create an ambiance of comfort and sophistication. Fluid floor plans and sliding doors optimize space utilization, ensuring both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Embracing Sustainability

The project prioritizes sustainability through various design choices. From utilizing demolition materials for subsoil improvement to incorporating green roofs and facades, Golf House minimizes its environmental footprint. The secluded backyard, designed as a hidden forest for residents, further enhances the project’s ecological contributions.

Fostering Biodiversity and Renewal

A key aspect of the project is its commitment to biodiversity and ecological renewal. The carefully curated vegetation, including fruit trees and shrubs, aims to attract diverse wildlife, particularly bees. The evolving greenery serves as a symbol of regeneration, contributing to the continuous renewal of the surrounding environment.

Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Design

Golf House exemplifies dagli + atélier d’architecture’s holistic approach to architectural design. By seamlessly blending aesthetic appeal, functionality, and sustainability, the project sets a new standard for contemporary architecture. From its striking facade to its environmentally conscious features, Golf House stands as a testament to the firm’s commitment to innovation and excellence in design.

Mia Wright

Mia Wright

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